Courageous to Empowered 

Sitting and reflect on the year of being “Courageous” the time of stepping out of the boat towards the saviours calling to walk on water, I see the many moments when God has commanded us to be like Joshua…” be bold and courageous, have I not commanded you to”. (Joshua 1:9)

The year of walking boldly in the lane God has called me and you to live and lead, The year of running the race in which he has called us to run. 

The many moments of walking the talk, the times of kneeling before the creator praying the Joshua prayer of courage to step out into the unknown of life and leadership.

As I sit and reflect on the year of courage I see how God is beautifully aligning the “NEW” beginnings of the new year to be “Empowered” to do all he has called us to do. When we step out in courage, he empowers us to lead out of our very “BEING” with God. The Holy Spirit empowers us to fulfill the calling that God has placed within our heartbeat of ministry. 
The first step is to be bold and courageous, taking on the calling of the heartbeat he has within us to go and mission to the world. The following of this step is the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in which enable us to do the great works that he has pre planned since before creation. 

This New Year’s Eve, as we reflect on this year, what moments has God called you to be bold and courageous? Has he called you to step out of the boat and walk on water? Has he called you to step into the unknown of leadership to then empower you to do great works for his kingdoms purposes?
Take some time out and reflect and seek Gods will and ways for you as you enter 2017 Empowered for his greater kingdom work. Will 2017 be the year God Empowered your through the Holy Spirit to go out into all the world, make disciples and envest in the church?

Why not take time tonight and reflect on these questions so the Holy Spirit can breath life into you as you seek, serve and follow Him into 2017. 
1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year?

2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?

3. What was an unexpected joy moment this past year?

4. What was an unexpected obstacle you had to face with courage? 

5. Pick three words to describe this past year.

6. Pick three words to describe this past year.

7. What was the best bible verse God used in your life this year?  

8. Who were your most valuable relationships that helped champion you in Gods kingdom? 

9.What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?

-In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?

-In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?

– In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with God?

10. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?

11. What was the best way you used your time this past year?

12. What was biggest thing you learned this past year?

13. What is God calling you to step out into in 2017?