Courageous in Discouragement

Joshua ch7 overview…

Ch7 we see a vast contrast to chapter 6. From a complete surrendered faith in ch6 we see in ch 7 the disobedience to faith and the sin that entered in the camp. The promise land was described as “a land of hills and valleys” (deut 11:11). The description was of a vast contrast of the hilly landscape of Canaan and the flat landscape of Egypt. The geography also paints a picture of the life of faith the nation Israel experiences in Canaan. 

This chapter we see the introduction of the changes and challenges that the leader Joshua was about to face, the hills and valleys of leadership in leading a nation. Joshua once on the hilltop of life and leadership in the courageous conquest of Jericho is now descending to the valley of defeat and Discouragement due to the sin that has entered in through disobedience of one man. This sin is seen to effect the whole camp and hence becomes the valley moment Tha Joshua has to face in leadership before God. The valley of defeat at Ali and the sin of man that has consequences on the whole nation of Israel. 

This chapter shows us the experiences that Joshua faced can teach us what causes defeat and how we must handle sin, and Discouragement of life and leadership.

“But the people of Israel broke faith in regard to the devoted things, for Achan the son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took some of the devoted things. And the anger of the LORD burned against the people of Israel.” (Joshua 7:1)

In our own lives we claim our inheritance in Christ, we to experience hilltops and valleys. The hilltop of victorious victories and valleys of discouragement. We as Christians don’t always live on the hilltop moments of life and leadership. We don’t always have the praise moments, we also have the pain moments within the valleys of discouragement. We cannot have hilltops  without valleys. It’s the geographical make up in the landscape that God uses to help develop us, define us and also discipline us to make us refine and complete in Him.

We cannot live on the hilltops, like Moses he encounter God on the mountain, but always came down to the valley to walk to talk that God had with him during the mountain encounter. What God displays on the hilltop, he develops within the valleys. It’s the moments where we have to walk the talk, define the development and deepen our faith. It’s through the valleys that we are being transformed to go and enrich Gods world.

Have you had a hilltop encounter with God, that you now have hit the valley? Is God calling you to develop courageously through the Discouragement of the valley to refine your character, integrity and soul connection with God?

As we look next week into the deeper context of chapter 7, prepare your heart, mind and soul before God, and see what he is working on you during this valley season.

Always know that just as you hit the depth of the valley, comes the uphill climb to the hilltop encounters with God. God never leaves you in the valley, he builds you in the valley to climb the hilltop to encounter his plans, purposes and promises in your life and leadership. Today, seek God out, serve God and surrender yourself in the valley to see God work on the hilltop. 

Application questions to journal with:

What do i make of all of this?
What do i feel God is saying to me?
 What do i need to take from this?
What changes do i need to make?
How can i share this with my leadership team verbally and practically?

Resources from: “Be Strong” Joshua Commantary . Warren W. Wiersbe, 1993